Symbolically adopt your favorite bird! Proceeds from all symbolic adoptions support the National Aviary’s work to save birds and protect their habitats. PLUS, join in all the fun by symbolically adopting some of your favorite species during our limited-time-only winter season: Rainforest Retreat!
Symbolically Adopt-A-Bird Today!Seasonal Species: Rainforest Retreat!

American Flamingo

Hyacinth Macaw

Linnaeus’s Two-toed Sloth

Rainbow Lorikeet

Scarlet Macaw

White-cheeked Turaco
Featured Symbolic Adoptions

TWO African Penguin Juveniles – Dave and Rita Mae
A Project Owlnet banded, Northern Saw-whet Owl

Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Vera

Steller’s Sea Eagle, Aurora
Coming Soon: Symbolically Adopt our NEW Victoria Crowned Pigeon Squab!

Other Adoptable Species
Always available for symbolic adoption! Pick from some of our most popular birds at an adoption level that’s right for you.

African Penguin

Andean Condor

Barred Owl

Brown Pelican

Eastern Screech-Owl

Eurasian Eagle-Owl

Gray Crowned-Crane

Hooded Vulture

Red-billed Hornbill

Victoria Crowned Pigeon
All proceeds from Adopt-A-Bird go directly to support animal care efforts at the National Aviary. You can’t go wrong with this unique gift only available at the National Aviary. Digital* and print options available!
*Digital options are NOT available for Featured Symbolic Adoptions, including Saw-whet Owls, Aurora, Dave and Rita Mae, and Vera. These special packages must be mailed to the adopter.
Adopt-A-Bird mailed packages will be prepared and mailed within 14 days. For a quicker delivery, you may choose the digital option and receive your digital package within 3 business days.