Saving Species

Every day, the National Aviary works to save species and protect their habitats, leading the way to a brighter future for species like Endangered African Penguins, formerly Extinct in the Wild Guam Rails, currently Extinct in the Wild Guam Kingfishers, and possibly Extinct in the Wild Vietnam Pheasants.

African Penguins

As a leader of the SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction) Program for African Penguins, the National Aviary is identifying conservation strategies with partners around the globe to find comprehensive solutions to keep this beloved species safe.

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Guam Rails

Guam Rails are now thriving in the wild after an absence of more than 30 years, thanks to the work of zoos collaborating through the Guam Rail Species Survival Plan® (SSP). As a participant in the Guam Rail SSP, the National Aviary has raised more Guam Rails than any other North American AZA-accredited zoo, and many birds hatched in Pittsburgh are now living in the wild.

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Guam Kingfishers

The Guam Rail’s island counterpart, Guam Kingfishers (known locally as Sihek) have been Extinct in the Wild for four decades. The National Aviary is actively working within the Guam Kingfisher SSP and the Sihek Recovery Project, to eventually reintroduce the species to Palmyra Atoll, a Brown Tree Snake-free island near Guam.

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Vietnam Pheasants

An elusive bird not seen in Central Vietnam’s dense, evergreen forests since 2000, the IUCN currently lists the Vietnam Pheasant as Critically Endangered, but many believe the species could be Extinct in the Wild. The National Aviary is home to a pair of these ground-dwelling birds, which are part of the SSP to save the species.

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In The News

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National Aviary to turn former Shady Side Academy Middle School into new conservancy thanks to local | WPXI

The National Aviary, based on the North Side of Pittsburgh, will soon embark on creating a brand new facility, thanks to a local benefactor.

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New National Aviary Veterinary Care and Conservation Center to Open in Fox Chapel | Pittsburgh Magazine

What aims to be a world-class avian conservation center that will revolutionize avian veterinary care and the conservation of threatened and endangered birds around the world is taking flight in Fox Chapel.

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National Aviary to receive old Shady Side Academy middle school campus by donation | MSN

Fox Chapel resident and 1962 graduate S. Kent Rockwell is working to acquire Shady Side Academy middle school and plans to have the 35-acre middle school campus donated to the Aviary via the SK Rockwell Conservancy.

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National Aviary to turn former Shady Side Academy Middle School into new conservancy thanks to local philanthropist | Pittsburgh Business Times

In addition to donating the property, the SK Rockwell Conservancy plans to donate $10 million to support the programs that occur at the facility once it is open.

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National Aviary to receive old Shady Side Academy middle school campus by donation | WTAE

A Pittsburgh resident and alumni of Shady Side Academy is helping the National Aviary find a new nest for its next breeding and conservation center, teaching hospital and educational space.

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